måndag 7 mars 2011

Homework can be fun

Being that it's already lunchtime I have to start doing my homework. I'll start with the best one, drawing a cartoon for our newspaper project. We have the whole schoolyear to finish it but it has to be 16 pages long. My class is divided into groups and each one has to make their own version of a newpaper filled with articles and other fun stuff about things that relates to science which is our major (naturvetenskapliga programmet). Then in june, when they are due, the teachers will select the winners with the best paper and they'll collect their reward. Anyway, so now I'm working on another article that is going to contain nothing but funny jokes and cartoons. But it's kind of hard since everything has to be about science somehow. I came up with this cartoon that I'm about to draw but haha, it's not really funny. It's rather...stupid. I'll show you guys later as soon as I'm done and you'll understand what I mean ;)

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