fredag 22 april 2011

Easter Break

Today it's friday and we have no school. God it felt good to say that. It's the first day of easterbreak. I woke up at 08.00 am (don't like waking up late..ruins the day otherwise) and ate some breakfast before I baked cinnamon rolls. Delicious! Here's the recipe and pictures ------>Vetelängd

My dad came home last night by the way (he works Asia) and it was really great to see him again. We've all missed him a lot. Anywho, after I read Jagad by PC. and Kristen Cast me and my littlebrother took the bus to our new house. We bought it this christmas but I didn't see it until today. Why? Guess I've been too busy (or lazy) to get over there. But anyways, it was really cozy and beatiful! I'm really pleased with my room.

I'll show you guys later what it looks like and what my plans are. Can't wait to arrange it.

We're hopefully moving in the this tuesday. Which is on my dads birthday funny enough :)

Happy Easter

Hope you get a good one! :)

söndag 17 april 2011

Hotel breakfast is the best!

A great start for a beautiful day. But now we have to get going. I'm going to take a shower then I'll meet up with a friend at the mall. I know I said I'll be in for the day, studying. But hell, I'll do it tommorrow instead ;)


I was at an event last night with a couple of friends as well as my brother. We had a lot of fun talking and meeting new people. Today I'm just going to be home and relax. Maybe study some chemistry as well...test on tuesday. But then on friday it's easterbreak, yay!

When I woke up this morning I was kind of sad because the event is over and all but then I realised that my goodiebag was waiting for me. Who doesn't like goodiebags? They're the best. Filled with lots of useful things and the best of's free :D

lördag 16 april 2011

Pride and Prejudice

One of my best movies ever is Pride and Prejudice. It is basically about this headstrong and intelligent girl who doesn't want to get married unless she's in love. Then one day at the bal she meets a wealthy man who at first seems to be proud, arrogant and rude. But then later in the movie she realises that there is two sides of the story and that she got him all wrong. He turns out to be a wonderful man and well... watch the movie to find out how it ends. I swear, you won't regret it.

Here is the official trailer:
Mr. Darcy (Matthew Mcfadyen) is so incredibly handsome in this movie!

~ Watch the movie ~

lördag 2 april 2011

Movies I'm looking Forward to

Here are some good movie tips. They haven't been released yet but it's something to look forward to,enjoy;

The perfect chick flick? Great for a girls night only :)

Animated movies are the best. This looks really good especially since James Marsden is in it ;)